Monday, July 15, 2019

New! Iron Oak Commonwealth is starting this fall

We are excited to announce a new junior school beginning this fall!  In addition to the morning Junior School held by LCIC, there will now be an afternoon Hebrew Junior School.  This Junior School will be a part of LCIC for the 2019-2020 school year, and in the fall of 2020 it will launch as a separate entity, a new Commonwealth School.

The Hebrew Junior School will meet weekly on Monday, 1-3 pm.

Phoenician and Hebrew roots.
Weekly class for children ages 5-12 to explore the history and origins of the English language, specifically through Phoenician and Hebrew culture. Through the use of stories and songs, dances and art, as well as various writing components.
This journey will take you all over the world as we touch on other world cultures and influences.  (August 2019 - May 2020.)

For more info, email

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