
Lighthouse Commonwealth of Iron County

Article 1. Preamble

We, a group of sovereign families, in order to unite in purpose, function with effectiveness, and achieve continuity and longevity, do establish this constitution for the Lighthouse Commonwealth of Iron County (hereafter referred to as LCIC in this document.)

Article 2. Mission

We are a commonwealth united to support one another in inspiring future leaders who will stand for liberty, righteous principles, and Judeo-Christian values. We strive for excellence in scholarly pursuits through individual study and mentoring with love, integrity, and vision.

Article 3. Vision

Our commonwealth provides a supportive and encouraging community for parents and their children. We aim to inspire parents and scholars to gain the vision, abilities, and skills necessary to pursue and fulfill their personal missions. We honor each individual’s stewardship over his or her education and seek to support the family as the center of learning. In order to achieve this, we stand upon these foundational pillars:
Faith: We believe in God and each person’s accountability to Him for his or her actions.
Integrity: We seek and act upon true principles.
Liberty: We affirm that the blessing of freedom is maintained through self-reliance and virtue.
Scholarship: We foster a lifelong love of learning, focusing on the history of Western civilization and classical literature.
Work: We each contribute to the success of the commonwealth.

Scholar Statement: We are future leaders who stand for liberty and righteous principles. We strive for excellence in scholarly pursuits to enhance our service to God, family, community, and country.

Article 4. Education Philosophy

Our mentors follow the philosophy of A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille, utilizing the Scholar Projects of Leadership Education Mentoring Institute (hereafter referred to as LEMI in this document). We embrace other complementary educational materials and philosophies.

Article 5. Financial Structure

LCIC exists for community impact, not for profit. Because of this, all members are expected to contribute time, talent, and money to the success of the school, and members of any status will not be paid for their time, skills, or service.

Article 6. Membership

Membership must be renewed annually. All requirements must be completed before the Spring Election (see Article 7, Section 3). Current member families seeking renewal will be accepted prior to new applicants. In order for a family to participate in LCIC, at least one parent or guardian must fulfill the requirements of their respective New or Voting Member status as described below.

Section 1. Membership Types

  1. New Member
  2. Voting Member
  3. Inactive Member

Section 2. New Member

Each family is allowed to participate as a New Member family for two semesters as they work toward Voting Member status. If Voting Member status is not reached after two semesters, the family will not be able to participate the following year. If a New Member is unable to complete Voting Member requirements due to extreme circumstances, they will be able to return as a New Member the following year upon approval from the Board of Administration (hereafter referred to the Board; see Article 8).

  1. Prerequisites: Families wishing to participate in LCIC classes for the first time must complete the following before enrolling:
    1. Meet with the Parent Representative Co-Chair (hereafter referred to as Parent Rep in this document, see Article 9, Section 4C) or other member of the Executive Committee for orientation.
    2. Read and agree to abide by this constitution.
    3. Complete and submit registration paperwork.
    4. Pay all applicable dues and tuition (see Section 5) or make payment arrangements with the treasurer.
    5. Accept an assignment from the Board to contribute to the commonwealth.
  2. Requirements: For the two semesters following enrollment, New Members will work toward Voting Member status by meeting the following requirements:
    1. Read A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille.
    2. Read Part 1 of Leadership Education by Oliver and Rachel DeMille.
    3. Attend or watch LEMI Philosophy training.
    4. Attend a minimum of four Parent Business meetings (see Article 7, Section 1).
    5. Serve in the capacity assigned by the Board (see Articles 10-12).
    6. Remain current in all applicable dues and tuition.
  3. Benefits: If all prerequisites and requirements are met before the Spring Election, New Members attain Voting Member status and enjoy the benefits listed in Article 6, Section 3B.
  4. Restrictions: During their first two semesters, New Members may not:
    1. Participate in debate or vote during the business portion of Parent Business meetings.
    2. Hold an officer position.

Section 3. Voting Member

Voting Members must renew their membership each year by meeting the following requirements before the Spring Election. If they do not meet these requirements, they will not be eligible to vote at the Spring Election or participate in LCIC the following year.
  1. Requirements:
    1. Complete and submit registration paperwork.
    2. Remain current in all applicable dues and tuition (see Section 5).
    3. Serve in a capacity as approved by the Board (see Articles 9-12).
    4. Attend a minimum of four Parent Business meetings before the Spring Election. Make-up work as defined by the Board will be accepted for up to two missed Parent Business meetings.
  2. Benefits:
    1. Ability to enroll and participate in classes and events hosted by LCIC.
    2. Eligibility to debate and vote at Parent Business meetings and the Spring Election.
    3. Eligibility to hold an elected officer position if they meet qualifications for that position.
    4. Priority registration for all classes.

Section 4. Inactive Member

Any Voting Member may apply for Inactive Member status by submitting an application to the Secretary before withdrawing. Inactive Members may withdraw for up to one year and return with Voting Member status and participation priority over New Members. Families needing to withdraw mid-semester must return at the beginning of a semester. In addition, Inactive Members may attend meetings and activities but may not enroll in classes, participate in debate, vote at Parent Business meetings or the Spring Election, or hold an officer position. Inactive Members who do not return after two semesters will lose Voting Member status but may apply any subsequent year for New Membership.

Section 5. Dues & Tuition

Dues and tuition for each semester must be paid by the first day of that semester’s classes in order for students to attend, unless payment arrangements have been made with the treasurer and approved by the Executive Committee. Dues and tuition are refundable only during the first two weeks of the semester.
  1. Dues: Dues are assessed by the Board per family/per semester. They cover such administrative costs as rent, insurance, trainings, outside mentoring, and supplies.
  2. Tuition: Tuition is determined by each mentor or mentor team and approved by the Board. Tuition is assessed per student/per class/per semester and covers expenses related to each class.
  3. Any funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year will be used at the discretion of the Board to benefit the school. It is impossible to guarantee those funds will benefit every student.
  4. Late Addition of Classes: Any member who would like one of their children to add a class after the beginning of the semester must:
    1. Complete and submit registration paperwork for that class.
    2. Pay full tuition for that class.
    3. Obtain approval from the mentor of said class, the Executive Committee, and the Principal Mentor or Junior Director depending on the age of the student.

Section 6. Membership Cancellation

In the event that a family chooses to withdraw from the commonwealth, fails to fulfill membership requirements, or is asked to withdraw as the result of a disciplinary action, their membership status will be cancelled. The family will be allowed to return as a New Member after two semesters upon approval by the Board. Any outstanding dues or tuition must be paid in full before reapplying for New Member status.

Section 7. Behavior Standard

Participants must demonstrate courtesy, integrity, responsibility, and respect for others and property. In the event that the behavior standard is not met, disciplinary action will be taken by the Executive Committee.

Article 7. Meetings

Section 1. Parent Business Meetings

At least six Parent Business meetings are held each year to address school business, provide parent training, and build parent relationships. A schedule of these meetings will be presented and approved by the membership at the Fall Orientation meeting. Parent Business meetings are conducted by the Chair or, if necessary, someone delegated by the Chair. Voting Members not in attendance at any given meeting forfeit their vote on any business conducted at said meeting. For purposes of conducting business, a quorum of members must be at least one-third of the Voting Membership of LCIC. Business to be conducted at each meeting will be presented at least one week in advance for member review. New business brought up at Parent Business meetings will be voted on at a future Parent Business meeting.

Section 2. Fall Orientation

This meeting will be held before the first day of fall classes. Registration, collection of fees, review of policies and procedures, and orientation of new families will take place. At least one parent from each family is required to attend this meeting. Make-up will be available in extenuating circumstances.

Section 3. Spring Election

This meeting will be scheduled by the Fall Orientation and will be held within 30 days of the last day of the school year. Business will include: election of officers, presentations of any annual reports, and announcement of projected offerings for the following school year. This meeting is conducted by the Chair or another Executive Officer if necessary. All Voting Member requirements must be met before the Spring Election in order to vote at this meeting. Voting Members not in attendance forfeit their vote.

Section 4. Special Meetings

Meetings to address special circumstances may be called by the Executive Committee or by any Voting Member who has acquired at least five Voting Member signatures to petition for said meeting. Notice of the meeting and any business to be conducted thereat must be given to all Voting Members at least one week in advance. Other business may not be conducted at the Special meeting.

Article 8. Board of Administration

Section 1. Membership of the Board of Administration

  1. Chair
  2. Administrative Co-Chair (hereafter referred to as Admin Co-Chair in this document).
  3. Parent Representative Co-Chair (hereafter referred to as Parent Rep in this document).
  4. Junior Director
  5. Principal Mentor
  6. Secretary
  7. Treasurer

Section 2. General Board Duties

  1. Ensures adherence to the Constitution.
  2. Upholds the vision and mission of LCIC.
  3. Exemplifies the principles of Leadership Education as described in A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille.
  4. Calendars all meetings and events.
  5. Provides general supervision of the affairs of LCIC between Parent Business meetings.
  6. Makes recommendations to LCIC Members.
  7. Attends at least 70% of Board meetings.

Section 3. Board of Administration Meetings

Board meetings are scheduled by the beginning of the school year. Any additional Board meetings must be announced to all Board members at least one week in advance. The Board meets at least once before the Fall Orientation and at least three times per semester in order to move the mission of LCIC forward, review organizational systems, facilitate any changes voted on by the membership, and solve problems. All Board members have a binding vote. A vote may only be taken if a quorum of the Board is present. A majority of the quorum must approve all decisions.

Section 4. Quorum of the Board of Administration

A quorum consists of at least five of the seven members of the the Board of Administration.

Section 5. Limitation of Power

The Board is subject to the ICC Constitution.

Article 9. Officers

Section 1. Elected Officers

  1. Chair
  2. Admin Co-Chair
  3. Parent Rep
  4. Junior Director

Section 2. Appointed Officers

  1. Principal Mentor
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Auditor

Section 3. Term of Office and Term Limits for Officers

A term of office consists of one year beginning and ending at the Spring Election. All officers, with the exception of the Principal Mentor, are limited to three consecutive terms. The Principal Mentor is limited to five consecutive terms.

Section 4. Qualifications and Duties of Officers

  1. Chair
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least one school year.
      2. Has served on the Board for at least one school year.
      3. Has been LEMI mentor trained and mentored in at least one LEMI scholar project.
      4. Has at least one child enrolled in at least one Scholar Class (Article 13, Section 1).
    1. Duties:
      1. Presides over the commonwealth, maintains the vision, and perpetuates the momentum of the organization.
      2. Ensures that this constitution and policies and procedures are executed faithfully.
      3. Appoints Board and Committee officers after consulting with the Executive Committee.
      4. Oversees the training of new Board members.
      5. Works closely with each officer while respecting his or her stewardship.
      6. May appoint committees with the Board’s approval.
      7. Schedules and conducts Board meetings.
      8. Conducts business at Parent Business meetings.
      9. Serves on the Scholar Program Committee.
      10. Oversees disciplinary action.
      11. Maintains a checkbook with the Treasurer.
      12. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      13. Meets with the incoming Chair to give training and transfer vision.
  1. Administrative Co-Chair
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least one school year.
      2. Has been LEMI mentor trained.
      3. Has served on the Board for at least one school year.
      4. Has at least one child enrolled in at least one Scholar Class (Article 13, Section 1).
    2. Duties:
      1. Assists and directs the operations of the Secretary, Treasurer, Facilities Representative, Fundraising Committee Chair, and Extracurricular Coordinator (see Articles 9 & 10).
      2. Prepares agendas for Board Meetings and Parent Business Meetings.
      3. Oversees maintenance of online presence.
      4. Oversees registration and collection of dues and tuition from the attending families.
      5. Oversees registration and payment for trainings.
      6. Coordinates the creation of the commonwealth class schedule.
      7. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      8. Meets with the incoming Admin Co-Chair to give training and transfer vision.
      9. Fulfills the duties of the Chair if the Chair is unable to finish the term of office.
  2. Parent Representative Co-Chair
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least one school year.
      2. Has been LEMI mentor trained.
      3. Has served on the Board for at least one school year.
      4. Has at least one child enrolled in at least one Scholar Class (Article 13, Section 1).
    2. Duties:
      1. Assists and directs the operations of the Junior Director, Activities Chair, New Family Liaison, Public Relations Representative, and Student Council Advisor (see Articles 9 & 10).
      2. Tracks membership qualifications and shares data for membership status changes with the Secretary.
      3. Advises members of membership status changes.
      4. Interviews and orients potential New Members.
      5. Organizes Parent Business meetings and any additional Parent Training meetings.
      6. Acts as a liaison between parents and the Board.
      7. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      8. Meets with the incoming Parent Representative to give training and transfer vision.
  3. Junior Director
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least one school year.
      2. Has served as a Junior Class Mentor (Article 12, Section 4) for at least one school year.
      3. Has at least one child enrolled in at least one Junior School Class (Article 13, Sections 5 & 6).
    2. Duties:
      1. Works with the Parent Representative to create the Junior School Program and schedule.
      2. Directs the daily events of the Junior Program.
      3. Represents the needs of the Junior Program families to the Board.
      4. Oversees the training of Junior Class Mentors.
      5. Delegates responsibilities to the Assistant Junior Director and/or Junior Secretary as needed.
      6. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      7. Meets with the incoming Junior Director to give training and transfer vision.
  4. Principal Mentor
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Demonstrates understanding of the vision of LCIC, TJed, and LEMI philosophy.
      2. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least two years.
      3. Has been LEMI mentor trained.
      4. Has mentored in at least two different Scholar Projects.
      5. Has at least one child in the Scholar Program.
    2. Duties:
      1. Oversees the ongoing training of the Scholar Mentors.
      2. Receives and reviews weekly mentor reports when applicable.
      3. Chairs the Scholar Program Committee.
      4. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      5. Meets with the incoming Principal Mentor to give training and transfer vision.
  5. Secretary
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved Voting Member status.
      2. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Attends Board and Parent Business meetings.
      2. Records and publishes minutes of Board and Parent Business meetings.
      3. Reads minutes at Board and Parent Business meetings.
      4. Creates, distributes, and collects registration and other needed forms and schedules.
      5. Maintains family contact and information lists.
      6. Maintains class lists.
      7. Takes attendance at Parent Business meetings and other events.
      8. Writes and files a brief year-end summary of the Commonwealth organization and activities.
      9. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      10. Meets with the incoming Secretary to give training.
  6. Treasurer
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved Voting Member status.
      2. Is not related to a current Board member, the Auditor, or a member of the Judicial Review Committee.
      3. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Attends Board and Parent Business meetings.
      2. Receives and deposits all tuition and fees.
      3. Records payment of tuition and fees from the attending families.
      4. Makes payments for building and other approved Commonwealth expenses.
      5. Makes reimbursements as necessary.
      6. Advises mentors of the balance of available funds for their classes.
      7. Keeps current records of all financial transactions.
      8. Safeguards historical financial records.
      9. Coordinates with the secretary to facilitate the creation of family and class lists.
      10. Fulfills all general Board duties (Article 8, Section 2).
      11. Meets with the incoming Treasurer to give training.
  7. Auditor
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Is not currently serving on the Board or related to any current member of the Board.
      2. Has knowledge of accounting practices.
      3. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Conducts annual financial audit.
      2. Provides annual financial audit report to the Board and the membership.

Section 5. Nominations

Nominations for the elected positions will be accepted from the membership by the Nominations Committee (see Article 10, Section 4). Nominations may be taken from the floor at the Spring Election.

Section 6. Filling Officer Vacancies

If an elected position becomes vacant by reason of resignation or removal, a new officer will be elected by the Voting Membership. If the Chair is unable to fulfill their duties, the Administrative Co-Chair will fill that vacancy until a new Chair can be elected. Elections to fill vacancies will occur at the next Parent Business meeting. If an appointed position becomes vacant, the Executive Committee will appoint another qualified individual to fulfill that position.

Section 7. Removal from Office

Officers (elected and appointed) may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of all other officers presently serving on the Board or two-thirds of the Voting Membership. Removal may occur if the officer in question has misappropriated funds, participated in abusive behavior, or willfully violated the LCIC Constitution.

Article 10. Optional Positions

These positions are filled if deemed necessary by the Board. The position holders may organize and chair a committee to assist them upon approval of the Board. These positions include but are not limited to the following.

Section 1. Optional Officers

  1. Activities Coordinator
  2. New Family Liaison
  3. Public Relations Representative
  4. Facilities Representative
  5. Fundraising Committee
  6. Extracurricular Coordinator
  7. Student Council Advisor
  8. Assistant Junior Director
  9. Junior School Secretary

Section 2: Qualifications and Duties of Optional Positions

  1. Activities Coordinator
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved Voting Member status.
      2. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Chairs the Activities Committee when applicable.
      2. Organizes and carries out family activities.
      3. Works with the Chair to plan and carry out retreats as needed.
      4. Attends Board meetings as needed.
  2. New Family Liaison
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the vision and constitution of LCIC.
      2. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least one school year.
      3. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Fulfills duties delegated by Parent Representative.
      2. Serves as a contact for families interested in participating in LCIC.
      3. Attends Board meetings as needed.
  3. Public Relations Representative
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the vision and constitution of LCIC.
      2. Has maintained Voting Member status for at least one school year.
      3. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Fulfills duties delegated by Administrative Co-Chair.
      2. Organizes and oversees any promotional events.
      3. Fulfills any assigned online promotional duties.
      4. Attends Board meetings as needed.
  4. Facilities Representative
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved Voting Member status.
      2. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Finds and schedules facilities for weekly classes.
      2. Coordinates cleaning and maintaining of facilities.
      3. Acts as a liaison between facilities and the Board.
      4. Coordinates insurance concerns.
      5. Attends Board meetings as needed.
  5. Fundraising Committee Chair
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved New or Voting Member status.
      2. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Chairs the fundraising committee when applicable.
      2. Reports to the membership on funds raised.
      3. Ensures that all funds raised are received by the treasurer and appropriated as originally agreed upon by the membership.
  6. Extracurricular Coordinator
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved Voting Member status.
      2. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee.
    2. Duties:
      1. Finds facilities for extracurricular classes.
      2. Coordinates with teachers and Administrative Co-Chair to set a schedule for extracurricular classes and activities.
      3. Maintains communication and coordinates travel and other logistics between parents and teachers.
      4. Attends Board meetings as needed.
  7. Student Council Advisor
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved Voting Member status.
      2. Has been appointed by the Board.
    2. Duties:
      1. Advises the Student Council.
      2. Facilitates the implementation of plans created by the Student Council.
      3. Works with the Activities Coordinator when necessary.
      4. Acts as liaison between the Board and the Student Council.
      5. Attends Board meeting when necessary.
  8. Assistant Junior Director
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved New or Voting Member status.
      2. Has at least one child enrolled in at least one Junior School Class (Article 13, Section 5 & 6).
      3. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Junior Director.
    2. Duties
      1. Assists the Junior Director as assigned.
  9. Junior School Secretary
    1. Qualifications:
      1. Has achieved New or Voting Member status.
      2. Has at least one child enrolled in at least one Junior School Class (Article 13, Section 5 & 6).
      3. Has been appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Junior Director.
    2. Duties:
      1. Assists the Junior Director as assigned.

Article 11. Committees

Section 1. Committees

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Scholar Program Committee
  3. Nominations Committee
  4. Activities Committee
  5. Facilities Committee
  6. Fundraising Committee
  7. Building Committee
  8. Student Council Committee
  9. Judicial Review Committee for Special Circumstances

Section 2. Description of Committees

  1. Executive Committee
    1. This is a standing committee.
    2. Is comprised of the Chair, Admin Co-chair, and the Parent Rep.
    3. Meets for confidential matters involving disciplinary action or time-sensitive and decision-making topics. Time-sensitive decisions made by the Executive Committee must be approved by the Board at the next Board meeting.
    4. Appoints the Principal Mentor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor as well as any optional position holders. (Article 10, Section 2)
  2. Scholar Program Committee
    1. Is a temporary committee.
    2. Is comprised of the Chair, Principal Mentor, and at least two other members nominated and appointed by the Voting Membership at the January Parent Business meeting.
    3. Recommends the Scholar Program and mentors for the following year. The Board pre-approves the program, and the membership has the opportunity to ratify these recommendations at a Parent Business meeting or the Spring Election.

  1. Nominations Committee
    1. Is a temporary committee.
    2. Is comprised of three Voting Members who shall be nominated and appointed by the Voting Membership at a Parent Business meeting two months prior to the Spring Election.
    3. Identifies and nominates qualified candidates able to run for elected offices. These offices will be voted on and filled at the Spring Election. The Nominations Committee ensures that at least one name is on the ballot for each open office. Qualified self-nominations are welcome. Announcement of nominees will be made by the committee to the membership one month prior to the Spring Election.
  2. Activities Committee
    1. Is a standing committee.
    2. Is an optional committee.
    3. Is comprised of one to five New and/or Voting Members selected by the Executive Committee.
    4. Is chaired by the Activities Co-ordinator and works with the Parent Representative to plan, coordinate, and execute events based on the needs of the Commonwealth.
  3. Facilities Committee
    1. Is a standing committee.
    2. Is an optional committee.
    3. Is comprised of one to five New and/or Voting Members chosen by the Executive Committee.
    4. Is chaired by the Facilities Representative and works under the direction of the Administrative Co-Chair to ensure that the building is cleaned and maintained and that a good working relationship with the building management is preserved.
  4. Fundraising Committee
    1. Is a temporary committee.
    2. Is an optional committee.
    3. Plans, coordinates, and executes fundraising activities for the LCIC when it is deemed necessary by the Voting Membership. All fundraising for classes are handled by the mentors of each class after approval from the Board and from the parents of the students of said class.
  5. Building Committee
    1. Is a temporary Committee.
    2. Is an optional Committee.
    3. Locates facilities for weekly classes when needed.
  6. Student Council Committee
    1. Is a standing committee.
    2. Is an optional committee.
    3. Is made up of scholars elected by their peers and approved by the Executive Committee.
    4. Works with the Student Council Advisor to unite and improve relations among the student body.
  7. Judicial Review Committee for Special Circumstances
    1. Is a standing committee.
    2. Is comprised of five persons unrelated to any current Board Member and selected by the Voting Membership—three primary standing members and two alternates that can replace standing members if needed.
    3. Is responsible for reviewing the constitutional validity of administrative actions. It also oversees the appeal process. If there is a dispute regarding termination of position, termination of membership, confidential disciplinary action, or any other action that is believed to be unconstitutional taken by the Board or the Executive Committee, the Judicial Committee of three shall review the decision. Decisions of this committee require a two-thirds vote and are limited to the nullifying of the decision under review.
    4. Will be convened if a petition of signatures of at least three Voting Members is submitted to a member of the JRC.

Article 12. Mentors

Section 1. General Mentor Requirements

Mentors have the freedom to teach in their classroom as they choose, so long as they adhere to:
  1. The outline for the class they are teaching, either LEMI or other approved curriculum.
  2. The mission and educational philosophy of LCIC as set forth in Article 4.

Section 2. Scholar Project Mentors

Member parents who mentor the LEMI Scholar Projects and other approved Scholar Classes. They must be approved by the Scholar Committee.

Section 3. Student Mentors

Youth Scholars who assist the lead mentor. They must have completed at least two years of LEMI Scholar Projects and be approved by the Scholar Committee.

Section 4. Junior School Mentors

Usually the parents of Junior School students. Each family that has a child or children enrolled in the Junior Program must have a parent participate as a Junior School Mentor with the exception of parents who are mentoring Scholar Classes during Junior School hours.

Section 5. Independent Mentors

Those who do not have their own children participating in LCIC but have some expertise in the class they mentor. They may either volunteer or be paid at the discretion of the Voting Membership.

Section 6. Mentor Dismissal

Mentors may be dismissed for not adhering to the above requirements or for not adhering to the behavior standards (Article 6, Section 6).

Article 13. Educational Outline and Class Approval

Section 1. Scholar Classes

All Scholar Classes are designed for youth ages 12-18 who are entering Scholar Phase as outlined in Leadership Education by Oliver and Rachel DeMille.
The following Scholar Classes are pre-approved to be offered any school year they are deemed necessary by the Scholar Committee.
LEMI Projects:
  1. Key of Liberty
  2. Shakespeare Conquest
  3. Sword of Freedom
  4. Georgics
  5. Pyramid Project
  6. Quest I, II, and III
  7. Edison Project
  8. Liber Community Series
Non-LEMI Projects:
  1. Shield of Freedom

Section 3. Additional Scholar Classes

Additional Scholar Classes may be offered when in keeping with the educational philosophy of LCIC. All classes must be approved by the Scholar Program Committee.

Section 4. Scholar Class Training

All Scholar Projects are led by at least one mentor who has completed LEMI or other training approved by the Principal Mentor.

Section 5. Junior School Classes

The following Core and Love of Learning Classes are pre-approved.
  1. Liberty Girls
  2. Knights of Freedom
  3. Shield of Freedom, Jr. edition

Section 6: Other Junior Classes

All other Core and Love of Learning classes must be approved by the Junior Director and Parent Representative.

Article 14. Parliamentary Authority

We will use Parliamentary Procedure as found in the most current Robert’s Rules of Order for Parent Business meetings and other situations when deemed necessary.

Article 15. Amendments to Constitution

This Constitution may be amended at any Parent Business Meeting where at least two-thirds of the Voting Membership is in attendance. The amendment must be ratified by a three-fourths vote, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing and presented at the previous Parent Business Meeting.

Article 16. Grandfather and Adoption

The Torchbearer (Carolyn Marriott) will present Board positions nominees for the 2017-18 school year. All qualified Voting Members will have the opportunity to ratify the Board positions at the Spring Election.
The new Policy and Procedure document will be completed by the Fall Orientation Meeting of 2017 and will be made available for review at least one week prior to that meeting. This Constitution and Policy and Procedure Document set forth and ratified by the body of members will be in effect by the Fall Orientation 2017 and the Grandfathering Phase will end.

Requirements to vote on the adoption of the Constitution, approve the new Board and to obtain Voting Member status for the 2017-18 School Year:
  1. Be current in all 2016-17 dues and tuition.
  2. Have attended at least four Parent Business meetings during the 2016-17 school year. Two of the four Parent Business meeting may have been made up by attending six Monday Noon Forums for each Parent Business meeting missed.
  3. Have fulfilled your volunteer position.
  4. Have communicated with a member of the Board to demonstrate eligibility.

Article 17. Family and Student Capacity

Membership will be limited to 30 families. Up to five additional families may be added at the discretion of the Board. New families desiring to register youth in the Scholar Program will take precedence over new families desiring to register children in the Junior Program only.

Article 18. Calving Clause

When the number of families enrolled reaches 30 families, the Board may create a committee to investigate the possibility of creating a new school. LCIC may support the creation of a new school in these instances: (a) Family and student capacity is reached and a waiting list of five or more families exists, (b) a cap is neared and in Voting Member, in good standing, approaches the Board about creating a new school. In either instance, the Board may work with the new school leader to help him or her create a start-up plan and help with initial start-up costs.



  1. Family: Any number of individuals belonging to one immediate family residing in the same residence.
  2. Fiscal Year: July 1 to June 30 of each year.

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