Sunday, June 8, 2014

We are encouraging all of our Commonwealth parent to attend LEMI Philosophy, "How to Mentor your Teen". It is a free seminar that kicks off LEMI training. 

Thursday, June 19th in Hurricane, UT.

LEMI Philosophy:    9:00 am -12:00 pm
Lunch:                    12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Writing Workshop:  1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Those who attend LEMI philosophy were just invited to also attend the Writing Workshop for free!!

It will help you in your parenting, your schooling, and in our Commonwealth. Since every family participating in our Commonwealth next year needs to either be on the Board or Mentoring / Co-Mentoring, it would be an awesome start to your new positions. We all are homeschoolers, we are all teachers. Sometimes we just need to believe that what we do in our homes, easily translates to a classroom of our children's friends. Attending this training will spark new ideas and help you remember what you already are capable of doing.

Just follow this link to sign up.  Go to: LEMI Website and then click on Mentor Trainings.  Once on the page, scroll down and you'll find the Registration form on the left side. Fill it out and you're done, ready to enjoy with day with the rest of us.

Please let us know that you have signed up.  We would like to carpool down and plan lunch together!

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