Saturday, August 24, 2013

Opening Family Social

Iron County Commonwealth School
Opening Family Social
We’re ready to begin our new school year!
Thursday, August 29th
5:30pm to 8:00 pm
Liberty Park
27 W. Midvalley Rd
Parent meetingClasses discussed and questions answered
For the studentsMentor meeting and Intro. to class
Retreat  - Discussed and Additional Information available
Registration Forms will be available and monies received
Potluck DinnerPlease bring a main dish and dessert (or side) to share with everyone!
Paper goods and drinks will be provided

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We are ready for Registration!

Hello everyone,
We are now ready to start and finish the registration process.  We need all registration forms or intents of registration by Tuesday, August 20, 2013 by noon!   That is the day we will order all of our materials for the semester.  If you would like to learn more, please look on the Schedule and Mentors Page and contact a mentor or member of the Board! 

Fall Retreat will be:
Friday, September 6th and Saturday, September 7th.
First year students will attend Friday only.

More info. to come on Retreat soon......